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Ronsperg East of the Bohemian Forest ridge , about 15 km from the Bavarian border , lay on a flat ridge (431 m above sea level. Above sea level) , the town Ronsperg . At the highest point , rose the Count's castle , the tower of which - a work of the period after the First World War - has become a landmark of the city . In the east , on the edge of the vast palace gardens , stood the train station. Here forked the route Marienbad Plan Tachau and led on to Bischofteinitz - Stankau - Pilsen or after Chodenschloß - Taus . Furthermore crossed in Ronsperg the streets Marienbad Plan Taus and Pilsen- Bischofteinitz Forest Munich. The place was in 1379 ( Pilsner control register ) mentioned as " Pobiezowicz " for the first time in a document . From the same period a Zdenko of Pobiezowicz was also known as the lord of the castle . Sedlácek headed Pobiezowicz from the personal name " Pobež " ( = refugee ) without further explanation (after Schmidt) . The name " Ronsperg " the place obtained by deed of 27 February 1502 from its then owner of Dobrohost Ramsperg . This order gave the town the name of sex, which in turn is under the Aries in his coat of arms , Middle High German " ram" , therefore " Ramsperg " named . At the same time the city was allowed to use its own coat of arms - two towers flanking a gate with a portcullis , about a golden crown , from jumping a ram . After the First World War, the Commission of the Czechoslovak government stepped in determining the Czech designation on the previous name in the new form Pobezovice back to a name so that the city had not worn for over 400 years . The earliest customer Ronsperg came , as mentioned , from the 14th Century, where Zdenko of Pobiezowicz lord of the castle was that of 1359-1373 , the patronage of the churches of the neighboring villages Schüttwa ( Ujezd Šitboř ) Rokošin and Walder Green ( Valtierzow ) held . From 1387-1411 there sat a Dobrohost of Melnic . The oldest document in Ronsperger city archives takes us to the year 1424 and was written in Latin (Codex luris Municipalis IV - 1, No. 238) . King Sigismund stood the village Pobiezowicz because its owner Bohuslaw of Horschau (1419-1443) was held in the turmoil of the Hussite loyal to the king , to a oppidum , ie to a city with fixing law. At the same time he gave Pobiezowicz the right , on Saturday to hold a weekly market. 1433 granted Johann Swestizon of Hradisst as co-owner of Pobiezowicz the inhabitants the privilege of freely bequeath their property and to use the weekly market right granted by King Sigismund free. Successor was probably called Zdenko Drštka , Kolwin of Ramsperg , the Bischofteinitz in this city twice ( 1422 and 1431) has defended heroically and with success against the Hussites as Burggraf . The same Kolwin of Ramsperg sealed together with other Bohemian barons in 1445 a letter to the Archdeacon Lukas von Teinitz brought the Pope to hear about this , whom he would rely on the archbishopric in Prague after elected by the Bohemian nobility Utraquist Johann Rokyzana was rejected by Rome. The family of Ramsperger we encounter in the story for the first time in 1366 with " Dobrohost miles de Ramsperk " . The Cradle of sex was probably in Wostratschin at Stankau , where in 1290 a Zdeslaw of Wostratschin was mentioned in a document . The descendants that led a ram in the arms (hence Ramsperger ) , named themselves after the village and the castle Kolwin Drštka who belonged to their possession ( Schmidt , castles of West Bohemia 1, pp. 20 f.) Was married Zdenko Kolwin of Ramsperg with Margaret of Frumstein . The marriage produced two sons, Dobrohost and Brzenko who were children even when the Father ( 1445 ) death. 1456 Dobrohost was called by Ramsperg on Teinitz as a witness in a deed . Soon he would Teinitz almost lost because the Prague cathedral chapter to terminate the agreements deposit rule Teinitz - Hirschenstein . The death of the young King Ladislaus ( 1457 ) , however, had prevented this . 1459 Dobrohost received from King George of Podiebrad castle and prescribed rule Teinitz again with deer stone 2000 groschen . During the ensuing battles for the so-called " Utraquistenkönig " George, which has been called also the " Second Hussite Wars ," the royal party took possession - Taus for instance, was loyal to the king - the town Pobiezowicz and the Neu - Ronsperg . This name " New Ronsperg " handed a certificate of the captain of Taus Hensel of Ammerthalstrasse from 1470. Stephan Dorn Steiner was mentioned here as a captain in the "New Ronsperg " . Brzenko , Dobrohosts brother got this new castle Ronsperg built because the old one was deserted. For whatever reason , the castle was forfeited , is not known. Officially, the town was named Ronsperg with the already mentioned above deed of 27 February 1502 (Codex luris Municipalis IV - 3, No. 678 ) , in the Dobrohost the city also have other rights granted , such as the takeover of the city Teinitzer law ( and thus of the Nuremberg laws ) and steering an own city coat of arms. In the Czech history Dobrohost also played a certain role in 1471 , when he was appointed by Matthias of Hungary, the anti-king George of Podiebrad , the royal Pokurator . But after the death of George ( 1478) , he threw himself Wladisiaw II In the following decades he seemed to have devoted his interest his possessions , especially town and castle Pobiezowicz - Ronsperg . He built or expanded the castle and surrounded the city with walls . 1490 he left St. Mary's Church building . You he chose as his final resting place . On the gospel side , ie the left of the high altar , stands his grave stone with the following translated into German inscription : "In the year of our Lord 1506 on May 29, died the noble Baron of the Kingdom of Bohemia and Lord, Lord Dobrohost of Romssperg and Teinitz , the founder of this castle , this church and city and helpers in the de-fence of the Christian faith . His soul rest in peace ! ". Dobrohost was undoubtedly one of the most important figures of the history of the city Ronsperg . He left four sons : Wolf , Zdenko , and Georg Wenzel. Wolf got Teinitz , Zdenko inherited the rule Ronsperg and part of Hirschenstein . Already in September 1506 he was granted by the king to cause the other parts of the rule , and the right on the road that runs through the area to Bavaria by his brothers . But soon afterwards gathered Zdenko on Hirschenstein and in all sorts of Ronsperg restless people and made , with the consent of the state government against the revolting Guttensteinern , the area rather uncertain . Therefore occupied Colonel Viscount Zdenko Lew Rosenthal with the array of the Pilsen Region town and castle Ronsperg , besieged , conquered and razed the castle Hirschenstein (1510 ), which was deserted ever since. Zdenko fled with his son to Johann Dietrich von Guttenstein to Flossenbiirg in the Upper Palatinate . He was later pardoned and returned to Bohemia back, but without to get his goods back . These were divided among his brothers Wolf and Wenzel. With Wolf, 1539 the entire mortgage possession Teinitz - Hirschenstein to his brother Johann the younger von Lobkowitz , with the approval king Ferdinand I abdicated , became extinct in 1542 , the old gender of Ramsperger . The rule Ronsperg now came to Albrecht of Guttenstein . 1530 was found in Ronsperger archive, the first German capitulation in which he the city's ancient rights confirmed and you also the use of the ponds in front of the Teinitzer goal conceded , so the gates and the walls can be repaired from the proceeds of the fish . 1537 rule Ronsperg was leased . To 1542/43 buys the Henry of Swan Mountain widow - the Schwanberger included already to the Germanized nobility of Bohemia - the rule Ronsperg that included since Dobrohost the villages Metz Ling and Wonischen , and deer stone, as a pledged property , even after the destruction of the castle had remained , for their sons Peter , Bartholomew and John. Hirschenstein but was defeated by the Superior Court on a suit of wolf Ramsperg and his brother Johann von Lobkowitz again to deposit rule Teinitz and thus went to Johann von Lobkowitz . When in 1548 the possession of Schwanberger was divided among the brothers , began with Peter I the Ronsperger line of Schwanberger . That beat at this time the waves of the Reformation in Bohemia , shows us a little book from 1548 , of which unfortunately only the title is handed down . " Pacificus Wolffgang , preacher to Ramsperg in Behem , A newes , resists Christian , Calvinist , Zwinglian , Schwenkfeldisch , Satanis etc. Interim tough anywhere in außgesprenget Germans landing in Poland and Behemen with refutation of God's Word to the warning in the given pressure . " With Peter Schwan mountain but found also in Ronsperg the new doctrine a great supporter . Although the parish initially remained Catholic , he called 1562 a Protestant preacher in the lock . Peter of Swan Mountain died 1575th He was buried in the chancel of the church of Ronsperg . His grave slab formed the counterpart to the Dobrohosts of Ronsperg , the founder of the church , and bore the inscription : " . Anno 1373 on the day of St. Joannis Baptistae the well- born Peter von Berg swan on Ronsperg , the God genade ! " Heritage was the son of Johann Georg of Swan Mountain . He was born in 1548 in Haid and became one of the leaders of Protestantism in Bohemia. This swan Berger was also the Ronspergern a very well -intentioned men . He confirmed them all their former privileges, and the city also granted the right to appoint themselves citizens. In 1596 he obtained the imperial confirmation of these privileges of the city Ronsperg granted and the right to a second-year market. The same emperor , namely Rudolf II , the city granted the privilege to seal with red wax , and gave it a new coat of arms . To the heraldic animal of Ramsperger now came the Schwanberger . It is the well-known emblem of Ronsperg . 1611 Johann Georg inherited from Swan Mountain the entire dominion of the Rosenbergs (according to contract of inheritance of 1484 ) and was the richest Bohemian baron of his time . He died at the age of 69 years ( 1617) and found his father in the parish church Ronsperger his final resting place . His son and heir of Peter II was passionately share of the Auseinandersetungen his time. He was allegedly involved along with his brother Wilhelm Popel of Lobkowicz Bischofteinitz on the lintel in the Prague Castle (23 May 1618) , which marked the beginning of the Thirty Years War . As a representative of the Estate of Lords both belonged to the chosen by Parliament 30 directors of the provisional government of Bohemia . When choosing a new king , Peter of Swan Mountain sat for Frederick of the Palatinate , a . After the arrival of the new King of Bohemia in Prague (6 November 1619) Peter was Chief Judge country . The Battle of White Mountain (8 November 1620) did not live to the Schwanberger . He died of a stroke before . Peter of swan mountain town and castle Ronsperg was hit shortly before the decisive battle of the imperial troops , vomited his father's grave in the church Ronsperger and plundered. Still later remembered a plaque on the castle at this sad event that the emperor's general Don Balthasar Marradas on 18 October 1620 " Diesse strong castle covering ( ert ) and genohmen with violence." In the confiscation statement (26 April 1621) of the goods of those who have participated in the uprising and who died during the uprising , found himself in the first place the name " Petern of Swan Mountain". Ronsperg fell to the Prague Jesuit College . An imperial resolution of 26 August 1623 was the rule at 30 045 groses Meißnisch to the imperial chamber secretary Severin Thalo , a native Teinitzer . Severin Thalo was by origin a Czech. 1630 Ferdinand II elevated him to knighthood with the title " of Horstein and Ronsperg " . With Severin Thalo who owed his education to the Jesuits , began the Counter-Reformation in Ronsperg . Rather drastic methods were in accordance with the time when recatholicization often applied . Economically sought Thalo his subjects , as far as was possible then in the uncertain period of the Thirty Years' War to promote . On the other hand, of course he tried , which also was in the course of time , depress the citizens unfree serfs. On a complaint of the citizens towards them confirmed Emperor Ferdinand II at least some part freedoms. At his death in 1648 left Severin Thalo of Horstein and Ronsperg no male heir so that his line died out . The daughter Elizabeth Catherine was married to the baron Johann Heinrich von Bedenberg , the prefect of the imperial bodyguard , who was then in possession before 1652 Ronspergs . After the death of the woman it came to inheritance disputes , in which Baron von Bedenberg Ronsperg lost to Daniel Norbert Pacht of Rayhofen , whose wife was a relative of Severin Thalo . Daniel Pacht possessed vast estates in Bohemia and was Imperial Council , private secretary of the chancellery and Viscount of Königgrätzer circle. Under him Ronsperg received a third year market ( 1655) . 1667 to wed PACHTAS daughter Anna Feliciana with Baron Gottfried von Matthias desire wit , who came meißnischem nobility, but was himself born already in 1632 in Prague. His father had left as a Catholic Lusatia , and had come to Bohemia . 1661 Matthias Gottfried had been taken in the Czech equestrian and twelve years later in the barony . He was a highly educated and knowledgeable , especially in languages ​​man Reichshofrat and captain of the Pilsen Region . After the death of his father ( 1682) he took control Ronsperg . He expanded the castle and built the so-called Wunschwitzsche House on Wenceslas Square in Prague. Ronsperg owes him and his wife the poor house (hospital ) with the Chapel " Visitation " , also the rectory and the cemetery chapel. The request could joke in 1683 the well-known statue of St. . John of Nepomuk build on the Charles Bridge in Prague . At Castle Ronsperg the Baroque sculptor Johann Brokoff designed by a statuette of Matthias Müller smoke the model for the casting of the statue , which was conducted in the bell foundry Herold in Nuremberg. The stone figure at the upper ring place to Ronsperg is the first replica of this archetype of many Nepomuk statues in Europe. After his death in 1695 was Matthias Gottfried von desire wit his final resting place in the Ronsperger church. Owner of the Manor was the son of Daniel Gottfried Freiherr von request joke. In the aftermath Ronsperg repeatedly changed hands. During the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) was in the palace a hospital for imperial troops. 600 men have been carried off by a plague here and found in the park their common grave . A cross at the castle wall opposite the old cemetery reminded later about it. From the year 1747 came the deed , in the Empress Maria Theresa of the city all the privileges confirmed that they had (1424 even as Pobiezowicz ) received since Emperor Sigisrnund . 1756 was the domination Ronsperg to Philip Wilhelm Albert Baron von linker Lutz Wick, Lord on Daustadt and low Tiefenbach . He had much to thank Ronsperg . The castle he expanded by the construction of the Orangerie ( 1767) . For the purpose of mercantilism , the prevailing economic system , he promoted especially the linen industry . He built Ronsperg also the first school (1770 ) . This energetic man was in the service of the Elector of Trier. He was the Electoral Conference Minister and Minister at the Reichstag in Regensburg. There he died on 4 April , 1779. He was buried is located in St. Emmeran in Regensburg. His son and heir of Johann Franz Freiherr von linker resulted in the administration of the rule continue in the spirit of his father. By buying came Graf Anton Josef Adalbert Thun- Hohenstein, Imperial officer, and Knights of St. Leopold Order, 1805 in the possession of the rule Ronsperg with Bywater and Bernstein at the forest . The tuna were an old noble family , whose cradle stood in South Tyrol. Even before the death of Count Anton Thun ( 1840) , his son Leopold the rule. He designed the palace garden into an English park and auctioned in 1843 the estate Stockau - a monastery secularized under Joseph II , 1785 - , also belonged to the St. Georgen and Tannawa . After the revolution in 1848 the churches were autonomous. Also in Ronsperg was therefore for the first time the community committee (later council ) elected in 1850, just as the mayor. Until then Mayor , Counsel , tax collectors and two court assessors , who formed the city government , were appointed by the landlord . During this time Ronsperg also received a kk district court and a kk Tax Office . 1864 sold to Count Thun total ownership Ronsperg with Bywater and amber , as well as the good Stockau by one million florins to the Imperial Count Franz Coudenhove . He acquired this 1869 nor the rule of Mother's Village with swan Bruckl and in Upper Austria castle Otten home and possessions in Hungary. The sex was first mentioned in 1240 with " Theodoric miles de Koudenhove " and belonged to the nobility nordbrabantischen . Since 1790, were the Coudenhove Imperial Count . This line of Coudenhove received in 1842 the Bohemian Inkolat . Franz Coudenhove was married to Mary of Kalergi . Their son Henry was a long time served as imperial legation secretary at the embassy in Tokyo, where he married Mitsu ( Maria Thekla ) Aoyama from an ancient Japanese sex. Even in Tokyo them were two sons, John and Richard , was born. A few years after his father's death (1893 ) was Count Henry back to Europe and took over the rule in Ronsperg . Now, he added his name in the mother and called himself Coudenhove- Kalergi . In Ronsperg walked out of the marriage two sons , Gerold and Charles Henry , and three daughters , Elizabeth, Olga and Friederike forth . In 1906 Count Henry died a sudden death . Heritage was the eldest son John. He took over after reaching the age of majority , the management of his possessions , which included only the gentry Ronsperg and mother village. The non- Bohemian goods had been sold in the meantime . Shortly before the end of the World War , Count John was the predicate " of Ronspergheim " award . Due to the Czech land reform he lost next to some other land , especially the Grange village mother , who was assigned to a Czech. A particular concern was the Count John the expansion and modernization of the Ronsperger castle. He died on 29 January 1965 in Regensburg. From the last century older people were still some natural disasters in living memory . So the August of the year 1879 brought a huge downpour , which was connected to hail. Not only all the crops in the field was destroyed , the Piwonka overflowed its banks and destroyed a new stone bridge (probably Faber Bruck ) and 3 houses while another 70 more or less severe flood damage suffered . A man was killed in the flood . On 20 November 1891 were at a major fire in Brunnengasse ( Zigeunergaß ) 5 houses and 11 barns destroyed by fire . Due to the currently prevailing storm the fire had quickly grasped around; burning straw tufts were flown to the area of Metz Ling , it was said to decades later . A Austrägler found this death. The war demanded Ronsperg their toll. In 1866 it was mainly money , though the enormous sum of 7000 florins Ronsperg had to pay as a contribution to the war tax on Prussia. In World War II came to the economic and financial benefits of the loss of about 50 men of the community. To their memory , the war memorial was erected. In the fall of 1918, the Sokol invaded . As elsewhere in Bohemia , the monument of Joseph II was overthrown with us. It was located on a mountain school . This emperor, who abolished serfdom and advocated tolerance , had just the population in the countryside particularly grateful remembrance . In the hitherto purely German Ronsperg now came Czech officials . It began the period of national tensions and the defense of German language and culture. Another major incision formed in October 1938 , the connection to the kingdom . Some hope faded away when a year later the war gradually tore everything into its vortex . Over 120 casualties this rnörderische rings of Ronsperg . Development of the city If the information of Schaller correct, the first castle was to be found where the rectory and the former building of the People's Bank stood . The core of the settlement Pobiezowicz probably lay at the foot of the castle , and indeed to the Lower Ring Square . When the village was in 1424 raised to the oppidum , it was probably for the first time an attachment . The castle itself is around the middle of the 15th Have been deserted century. It was , as mentioned, as a new Ronsperg of Dobrohosts brother Břenek continued to build on the level again , where now stands the castle. In addition to the construction of the church and the expansion of the castle went on Dobrohost back the expansion of the city wall. Towards the end of the 16th Century , as the owner was Johann Georg of Swan Mountain, suburbs have already been mentioned . In the second half of the 16th Century , it was observed an increase in the proportion of the German population in Ronsperg . First, Czech largely settled , the city received in 1600 a German majority. At the same time, the German records began in the Land Register , 1635 , they were purely German ( Kuhn II, p 284) . When the rule was sold in 1623 to Severin Thalo , lived in Ronsperg 70 "In the Essene including Häusler ," for the right to brew and release from subjection to the authorities paid annual interest rate . The Thirty Years' War brought alongside robberies and looting in 1632 a large fire disaster . That the population Ronspergs had suffered by the war and its consequences severe losses show the details of the " Rulla " (1654 ) . For the city she called only 12 major landlords , 7 and 23 Chalupner Gardener ( Häusler ) . In addition, shortly before 1 Chalupner and 4 gardener had been resettled . 24 properties were still deserted. Due to the yarn and canvas Bleicher , the city expanded during the 18th Century, above all in the field of Hütplatzes . 1770 received all the buildings of the town house numbers, the Christian Arab inhabitants , the Jews of Rome ( until 1926 ) . In the 18th Century also submitted Mariengasse (straw Häusl ) back . 1815, the hospital chapel was renovated and found from that time on there regular services, . Until recently, the patronal feast of the hospital chapel of the Visitation was hailed as " straw Häusl hard " in this district. Here is a piece had received suburban tradition. Even among the barons of linker was begun , parts of the city wall, which had lost its meaning in the contemporary state of military technique abort . By 1840, it paved walls , ramparts and ditches completely one . Schaller was in his topography of Bohemia from 1789 for Ronsperg with St. Georgen and Wellowitz 128 house numbers. Five decades later (1839 ) reported summer of already 222 houses and 1928 inhabitants. From then on, the number of inhabitants as the houses rose up to the turn of the century only slightly. 1913 had 261 houses and 2104 inhabitants Ronsperg . For the following period is striking that although the population declined , the town but still in the area rapidly spread out. Especially during the two decades between the wars, Ronsperg enlarged to the northwest ( new district ) and along the roads to Hostau , Trohatin , Münchsdorf , Wilkenau and Wottawa . After 1926, the newly built warehouse was connected to the railway station to the host Straße , also stood here between this connecting road and the railway line soon a complete range of modern houses. 1939 counted Ronsperg 379 house numbers and 1990 inhabitants. The train station had Ronsperg since the construction of the railway line Stankau - Ronsperg in 1900 , the route followed Taus - Tachau 1910. In 1894 the new elementary school was built under the courthouse . 1912 was built by the savings and Vorschußverein (later People's Bank) on the upper ring place that was surrounded by numerous , quite interestingly decorated old gables, on the site of brandy Ausschanks , the so-called bread store, and the old school , a modern business building . 1923 Ronsperg received the connection to the power grid . From about the same time came the present form of the " Faber Bruck " . Up to the turn of the century had every vehicle that passed the bridge toll to pay ( bridge tolls 5 Kreuzer ) . In the thirties the expansion of the castle tower, and the acquisition of the Maa- economy fell by Coudenhove , who rebuilt the " Hubertus " . To the east of the city , built 1936/37, the Order of Borromäerinnen next to the girls' school was built around 1900 an ultra-modern for its time citizen school building. Far outside of town near the train station , the Czechs had built its own school building. Wirtschaflliche conditions Agriculture was and remained a long time the only basis of the economy. The environment was fertile arable and meadow land. In the fertile plains of Bohemia Since most Czechs settled , it was not surprising that even Ronsperg initially had Czech residents . So probably put it in the hallway Arnen " Ouderl " the Czech word UDOLI = valley ( unlike " mountain "). The "Bird Herd" pointed to the bird -catcher , who played a major role in the Middle Ages . The field name " Gallows Hill " again recalled that until well into the modern era ( 1765 ) was the blood jurisdiction in the city or the city of the Lord. Was mainly cultivated cereals . The field name " In the hop garden " suggests that some time hop has been planted. Were predominant , apart from the former stately yard, next to some middle courtyards especially small businesses. In earlier times , the fish farming for the city Rünsperg was a significant factor . In the 16th Century , parts of the moat turns the Teinitzer gate in fish ponds and the German goal was the trench for two fish tank use . In 1623 , 17 ponds with 102 shock carp use in the reign Ronsperg . The right to brew beer played a role very early. If not before , so had most certainly in 1502 the inhabitants of Ronsperg the right to brew beer. The brewing right was awarded to citizens of the city , known as " Brauerzunft " or " Brauer brotherhood " in its own brewery manufactured beer together , and that one after another ( series brows) was brewing . In bourgeois brewery only barley beer was allowed to be produced. When brewing rights of citizens was lost , is not known. 1839 was only an urban tavern called . Where once stood the Civil Brauhaus , can not be said with certainty. Known , however, was still the stately brewery in "Austria" (House No. 35) in the Jewish quarter . Already in 1537 , the brewery was mentioned. It produced barley and wheat beer. At the end of the last century , Mr. Lang Chur brewed in Austria as a tenant , the stately brewery was located in Stockau . In the 19th Century found himself in front of the city gate when Teinitzer a distillery on the grounds of the monastery and the town school . She was owned by the government. The rise of trade served in the Middle Ages the award of the market law . The right to Josephi market procured 1590 Johann Georg of Swan Mountain near Emperor Rudolf II Under Daniel Pacht issued Ferdinand III . 8 February 1655 the city the privilege for a third year market. When the fourth and fifth years were granted market , it was not apparent from the sources. In 1839 there were only four , but last Ronsperg had five annual fairs . The 18th Century resulted also in Ronsperg a commercial boom. A paper mill since the time was already after the Thirty Years' War in the east of the city. The first known documented message came from 1693 , where Tobias Oranus owner was ( Český Časopis Historický 1921 , p 167) . 1839, it was supposed to have been burned down and rebuilt by the former owner Tichy again . Most recently, she was operated by his son . Was created especially wrapping paper. With six employees of the company had a daily capacity of 5-10 cwt . Around the turn of the century , the paper was still delivered by axis to Nuremberg and Fürth. 1916, the operation was discontinued. The Gebäulichkeiten acquired Coudenhove and began with the production of wood shingles. Last was in the building with a purification plant for seed grain and a dry floor. Philipp Freiherr von linker, which in 1756 took over the rule , especially benefited linen manufacturing . During this time was a Ronsperger manufactory for " linen Bandeln " , as it was literally in a report from 1756 to the Vienna Court Chamber , " to be put to great apostasy " ( Bohemia Vol 5 p 195). In 1765 he obtained at Empress Maria Theresa for the sale of yarn and cloth its own weekly market, which probably mainly the resident Weber should be encouraged. The weavers were at that time still the bleacher who found favorable conditions for their business especially in the west of the city, near the Piwonka . 1789 reported Schaller of 8 or 14 canvas and yarn - house bleaching, during the reign , which included the then Wilkenau , Metz Ling , Wonischen , Wottawa , Altparisau , part of Gramatin and Linz , 11 and the city Ronsperg counted 18 looms. The stretched canvas generation brought with it that the Ronsperger like wearing linen coats. They therefore received by the residents around the nickname " Leinamantel " . In addition to weaving and bleaching the lace was another fairly common sideline branch. After Schaller were in the field of rule Ronsperg 172 Klöppler active , namely " mostly wenches " . Summer was against 200 Klöppler . Johann Franz Freiherr von linker built 1786 Want stuff Manufactory , where he could be prepared in addition to silk ribbons especially wool belt. She worked with 13 chairs. Busy 2 Champion , 6 journeymen , apprentices 5 and 8 assistants were ( Schaller ) . Since the manufacturer does not prosper , sold Freiherr von Left it in 1788 at a similar factory in Neugedein ( Bohemia Vol 6 p 279) . At other industry there was in Ronsperg a copper hammer at the end of the 18th Century was occupied. Until when it was in use , is unknown, but in the " hammer mill " on the way to Schüttwa , and in the name of "Hammer Bach " for the Piwonka lived the memory further in these copper hammer. In addition to the former copper hammer mill stood the Lord . This was in 1901 , sold by the then owner bird , who emigrated to America to Johann Andreas Ziegler's sons. This they built to a mirror grinding and polishing work . When this was closed down in 1928 , George Tauer purchased the building and set up a sawmill for box boards . A much more important than it is today had in the pre-industrial era the craft. There was in addition to the later well-known and operated some trades that lost their livelihood. Schaller (1789 ) called , for example in the city Ronsperg three gunsmiths and on the rule of a buttons maker. 1789, found a black and Schönfärber , 1839 two black dyer. The " Faber Bruck " had received the memory of this business. Next to the bridge up to the turn of the century Frederick Görber had operated a dye works . Extinct was also the craft of nail smith . 1839 was a single until shortly before the war in the city. Until the eighties of the last century worked in Ronsperg two coppersmiths . Also in 1789 , only two coppersmiths were called . The house name " the soap maker " for the property No. 106 ( Jandik ) in Brunnengasse recalled one today also unknown industry. A Wachszieher and Lebzeltner but had worked up to the second world war. A furrier , a Seiler, a potter, a turner , a binder , two Feilenhauer and two Kammacher , are no more common occupations were also the younger still in good memory. Also tanneries as craft were later virtually disappeared . In the first half of the last century there were in Ronsperg a tanner and tanner . Last there was still the tannery Mandler (formerly Winternitz ) . Always included 4-5 workers to staff the operation . Built in 1870, Josef Kraus , a hydroelectric plant , was stamped with the emery in the house No. 65, hence the house name " Schmergel " . The emery stone was mined between Hoslau and Natschetin , finely pounded in the factory , packed in barrels and delivered by horse and cart into Styria in weapons factories, where it was used as an abrasive. 1902 this operation was shut down . The hydroelectric power plant Josef Kraus has also operated a Lohmühle since 1875 , the processed spruce bark to tan . This Lohmühle was continued until 1927. In 1895 Simon Mandler built in Brunnengasse a Filzschuhfabrik ( Potschelfabrik ) . Liebscher gave in 1913 to a daily production of 50 dozen felt shoes . After 1930 Ronsperg remained only more pronounced Location Industry: Spatmühlen whose condition the rich feldspar and quartz deposits formed our area , brick huts that were bound to clay deposits , and sawmills . In 1900 Sigmund Mandler acquired by siblings Beck ( " Wanzmühlweiber " ) the Tanzmühle ( popularly known as " Wanzmühle " ) and taught here a simple Spatmühle . First, we worked with a fever. Finally, advanced Sigmund Mandler the mill and drying drums used . Liebscher called it 1913 already one of the largest Spatmühlen in Austria . Franz Mandler , son and heir , the operation expanded further , were among its workforce about 30 people. 1925 also established Erasmus Gebl a modern feldspar and quartz movement. Since 1907, he already had a cement goods and artificial stone production. Since 1922, he stated in his Locksmith also machines for cement factories forth as tube forming, pressing , grinding and mixing machines . A project of the company Siemens to build in the thirties in Ronsperg a factory for the manufacture of insulators is , unfortunately failed. Long was on the road to Wottawa the stately brick hut. She produced still in manual mode with a box furnace. There was a brick factory on the way to sadl . She had been expanded in 1908 as a steam oven and ring brickyard. In it, 25 people were employed . offices 1849 Ronsperg received a kk District Court ( Amtsgericht since 1939 ) and a kk tax office . As in 1927 , the Tax Office was moved to Bischofteinitz , moved into the vacant spaces of the courthouse , a city administration, which was until then in the "Old City Hall " on Schulberg . In 1851 the k.k. Post office set up, moved into the new building of the savings and advances Association after 1912 . The telegraph office was built (after Liebscher ) 1886. Since 1901 Ronsperg had a pharmacy. Church and parish Town and castle Pobiezowicz originally belonged to the parish Rokošin , a village that lay at the former Grange St. Georgen . It was already mentioned in 1186 , but was since the 16th Century deserted village ( Roubik ) . Rokošin was owned by the monastery Stockau . Although the village was deserted for a long time , is here until after the secularization of the monastery ( 1785), a St. George's Church have stood , which owed ​​its name to the Grange. Under Dobrohost Ramsperg of the city in 1490 was awarded the St. Mary's Church . From this time the chorus came with the epitaph of the founder and the grave stone of Peter Swan Mountain, certainly there's a gothic font . Self parish was Ronsperg not then , but probably came to Metz Ling . Also there Dobrohost had built a church whose patronage rights were at the Ronsperger rule. 1562 Peter had of Swan Mountain, as mentioned, called the first Lutheran preacher in Ronsperger castle. 1570 Pastor Vitatis complained to the Archdeacon in Teinitz that Peter deny him a tenth if he does not serve the German Lutherans. On 28 November 1570 forbade the Archbishop of Prague, the Protestant preacher explicitly entering the church. On 29 But in July 1572 Peter personally leads the Lutheran clergy in the Catholic Church so far from Ronsperg . 1573 he is also a Ling in Metz a Protestant pastor. Ronsperg was largely Protestant. Those that remained Catholics were looked after by the monks of the parish Schüttwa . After the Battle of White Mountain, led , as mentioned, Severin Thalo Horstein of the Counter-Reformation and presented the Catholic worship restored. To this end, he called Augustinians from Stockau . Every third Sunday was Ronsperg worship, to Anna Feliciana of desire wit the then parish priest of Metz Ling Andreas Opplbach on 16 October 1698 committed contractually , every Sunday and holiday in Ronsperg to hold a fair or to have stopped. The priest of Metz Ling had to queue up a chaplain . Already in 1680 Baron desire wit had built the parsonage , so the clergy , if they had to do in Ronsperg could also live comfortably here . Thus, the horse could be supplied , with the pastor or his chaplain came riding from Metz Ling , Feliciana Parish gave the Metz Linger in Ronsperg two fields and the "old Teichel near the mill " ( Liebscher ) . Since 1725 Ronsperg had permanent administrators. My church records , however, were conducted since 1655 . In 1772 it was finally canonically an independent parish . Since 1784 it included beside the city's courtyards Meier St. Georgen and Wellowitz and villages Wilkenau and Kleinsemlowitz . While Wilkenau already belonged to Ronsperg since the founding of the parish , was small semlowitz until 1784 to do so. Kleinsemlowitz was until 1784 when the parish Schüttwa . The church arose in its present form at the end of the Thirty Years' War. The presbytery was until recently still , albeit settled and painted Gothic vaulting ribs. Two towers were the completion of the west facade . ( The southern tower was removed in 1902 because he was considered dilapidated. ) The interior is Baroque . As an inscription on the right side of the altar , the altar of resurrection , tells us he was a foundation of Johann Heinrich von Bedenberg from 1653. The altarpiece depicts the Resurrection of Christ , the altar structure is simple early Baroque . In the same time the high altar, but , as is the pulpit, which donated Daniel Pacht , rather stiff acting comes from. The main characters of the high altar are Mary with the Child Jesus , St. . Joseph and St. . Duke Wenzel. The left side altar in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows is much younger and came under the parish administrator Fischer ( 1743-1746 ) . A historic bell from 1650 survived both World Wars. The church also had a baroque organ with twelve sounding voices . This was in 1911 replaced by a new pneumatic organ . Shortly after 1900, the church received a new patch and colored glass windows. Under Dechant Šanda lost due to World War bells were replaced and the ceiling replaced by cassettes made ​​of oak. Parish administrator Johann topic was thoroughly renovate the church ( frescoes by Alfred Offner ) . A native Schwabe, Dr. Matthew barefooted , was last at the end of the war minister in Ronsperg . The Bohemian patron saint Prokop was consecrated on the way to Wottawa an ancient chapel. After the Marian apparitions in Lourdes in 1858 a Lourdes chapel was built in Ronsperg . She stood at the Munich Strasse and was originally made of wood . After the flood of 1879 , it was built by the family Turba with donations from the public in its later form. The Mount of Olives to the old cemetery probably came from the Baroque period . As proved by the turn of the century the old cemetery (1857 ever extended) to be too small , in 1902 created a new on the road to Hostau . He, too, had to be enlarged in 1925 to the east towards . Ronsperg also had a branch of the " Sisters of Charity of St. . Carlo Borromeo " . club Life Around 1870, a reading and entertainment club was founded in Ronsperg who possessed a versatile library and performed with theater performances to the public ( to about 1919) . Center of conviviality in the twenties and thirties was the glee club . It was launched in 1890 and used the men's choir . The club also had a mixed choir and a salon orchestra . A special recovery took the club when Karl Reimer came around the turn of the century as a teacher after Ronsperg . He exhibited talented young people on a brass band . A significant contribution to the rain just around 1900 musical life in Ronsperg contributed some former students ( Rudolf Leberl , Anton Dvoracek , Karl Wukasinowitsch ) . In the mid- thirties, the cultivation of music in Ronsperg reached a new peak with the establishment of the " Šumava harmony." From 1935-1942 the Bohemian Forest Harmony had given a number of concerts . Conductor was Franz Roth Meier , a native Natschetin . In addition to the band but was also a 32 -strong string orchestra. A string quartet used mainly house music. On 1 May 1921 the gymnastics club was founded . The club had great popularity , and was in Austria gymnastics hall . The gymnastic line was almost ten years in the hands of teachers Ernst Bauer ( since 1926 also Gauturnwart the West Bohemian Turngaus ) . Early thirties , a separate football club was founded , the German football club Ronsperg . He turned Coudenhove the Häusl meadow as a sports court. On numerous occasions, the volunteer fire department had made ​​their commitment to the test. She had contributed , together with the veterans club much to the splendor of the festivals and religious processions . For entertainment was provided in Ronsperg also the association of the war-wounded with his theater performances . Around 1920, he was the first silent film in Austria Hall. Later the films were shown at the Hubertus - hall. 1938, the theater was taken over by the city and operated by Secretary Anton Neumann as a tenant . The federal government of the Germans and the German Cultural Association were active in Ronsperg local groups . The Coudenhove-Kalergi family is a noble Bohemian family of mixed European descent, which was formed after Count Franz Karl von Coudenhove (1825–1893) married Marie Kalergi (1840–1877). The Coudenhoves had been Counts of the Holy Roman Empire since 1790 and were prominent in the Netherlands and Belgium. After the upheaval of the French Revolution, they followed their dukes from the Low Countries into Austria. The Kallergis family had enjoyed high status in Crete. The Coudenhove family dates back to the Duchy of Brabant nobleman and crusader Gerolf I de Coudenhove (died 1259) and, after it fought for the Habsburgs in the Dutch Revolt, the family moved to Flanders before the Habsburgs and Coudenhoves were both driven to Austria by that war.[4] The Kallergis family is a Cretan family and claimed descent from the Byzantine Phokas family[citation needed], which produced several generals and an emperor (Nikephoros II). During the Venetian rule over Crete, the Kallergis family was one of the most important Greek Orthodox families on the island. The two families united when, on 27 June 1857 in Paris, Count Franz Karl von Coudenhove (1825–1893) married Marie Kalergi, only daughter of Polish pianist Maria Nesselrode and her husband, Jan Kalergis. The lands thus combined included the Zamato estate in the Carinthian mountains, the castle of Ottensheim in Upper Austria, and the Ronsperg (Czech: Poběžovice) estate and castle in western Bohemia. Franz and Marie had 6 children, including Heinrich, the first count to use the double-barrelled name.[5] When Heinrich's eldest son, Johannes Evangelist Virgilio Coudenhove-Kalergi, was 24 years old, he asked Emperor Charles I of Austria to give him the title Coudenhove-Kalergi of Ronspergheim (von Ronspergheim), and the Emperor granted this request.[1]

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