
Our German Bohemian Legacy
Robert J. Paulson
GBHS Founder
Chronik of Neubäu with Fuchsberg
The border village of Neubäu once was located not far from the Fuchsberg and about six kilometers southwest of Heiligenkreuz. North of that place the 706-meter high Neubäu] rises. There is a very good overview of the entire administrative district of Hostau from these heights.
The village of Neubäu was founded in 1500 by farmers and forestry workers from the Oberpfälz. The original village consisted of four houses built around the "Hammerbrunnen" [hammer spring]. Pursuit of the business of "Glassschleiferei" [glass grinding] was already underway at that time.
In the middle of the century the greater part of the settlement was destroyed by fire. Some years later it was reestablished a little south of the old location and from that time it was called "Neugebau" [new building]. Over the course of time this name became "Neubäu." The oldest inhabitants of the village include the surnames Wiedl, Liebl, Dietz, Rebitzer and Eckert.
The "ortsteil" [section community ],Fuchsberg, located at the base of the "Neubäuhohe" must have appeared about 100 years ago. A large Farmstead with courtyard whose owner was named Gach was the first building found here. That property must have been divided among several sons of the family with the result that more farmsteads appeared.
Ever since 1789 Fuchsberg belonged to HeiligenkreuŽz Herrschaft. In 1839 there were 12 houses in Fuchsberg and 116 residents and the children attended school at Schwanenbrückl. It belonged to the community of Neubäu in 1913 and grown to 16 houses with 106 residents. In the course of the same decades the village of Neubäu had itself grown considerably. In 1839 there were 24 houses and 171 inhabitants, in 1913 there were 33 houses with 262 inhabitants and ultimately there were 45 house numbers.
In 1937 the combined landholding for the "Katastral" community of Neubäu was 330 hectares. The people made their livings predominantly by farming and forestry. There was a farmstead owning 15 hectares of land in Neubäu number 5 and in Fuchsberg number 6. Farmers in Neubäu also included a smith, two joiners, one carpenter, one turner and a cooper (called "Binner").
Finally there was also a millworks and a plank-saw [Brettsöge]. The menfolk of the families with small landholdings had a second occupation as lumberjacks, masons, construction wŒorkers and day workers. The women earned money during the winter by making lace -- money often needed to defray household expenses. Over the summer months the young girls to seasonal work in the world- famous spas at Franzensbad and Marienbad.
The village church, dedicated to St. George, stood at the village exit to Fuchsberg. The Holy Mass was celebrated here only on holidays. Neubäu's church-connection was to the parish of Heiligenkreuz. The children went to the one-room Volkschule in the village -- a school which was enlarged to a two-room school in 1928-29. Cultural life was enhanced by the Musikkapelle Braun [a band led by Herr Braun]. In addition Neubäu had a volunteer fire department.
Today the village of Neubäu no longer exists. The fields and meadows are used as pastures.
Three men from Neubäu and Fuchsberg were among the fallen in the First World War. During the Second World War seven men fell and four men were missing.


Johan Georg Rewitzer, Mauser Haus 6


Rewitzer Bauernhof Mauser 6.
Häuser- und Bewohnerverzeichnis von Neubäu
Houses and Residents in Neubäu
Nr. 1 (Modl) Wiedl Georg Landwirt 1880 - + und Margaretha geb. Giebisch 1885 - +; Kinder: Josef 1910, Franziska geb. Liebl 1912, Pauline verh. Frank 1913; Frank Josef Lehrer, Georg 1914 und Hedwig geb. Wiedemann, Resie verh. Tauer 1918; Tauer Michl, Marie verh. Czada 1903 und Czada Andreas Zimmermann 1900; Kinder: Willibald, Blechner und Installateur 1927, Gerhard 1929, Charlotte 1934; Nr. 2 ZFloachschneider) Zeug Josef Schneidermeister 1875 - + und Elisabeth geb. Hilpert 1879 - +; Kinder: Anna verh. Schmied; Schmied Franz, Theresia verh. Richter, Richter Johann, Marie verh. Ohm; Ohm Franz, Josef 1908 und Magda geb. Feiler 1920, Barbara 1909-1949, Pauline 1910- 1934, Gustav 1924-1942, Hilde verh. Schilling 1919; Kinder: Werner 1937, Rainer 1939; Nr. 3 (Vogelpepe) Helgert Josef 1901 und Xathariluf geb. Wild 1902; Kinder! Wilhein, Spengler und Installateur 1925, Mathilde 1928; Nr. 4 (WIedl) Treml Georg 1866-1946 und Marie geb. Wiedl 1884-1951, Kinder: Treml Karl 1924, Franziska 1925, Widl Franziska 1891 +; Nr. 5 (Floach) Zeug Johann Landwirt 1888-1949 und Katharina geb. Dietz 1892 - +; Sohn: Gerhard 1930, Zeug Anna geb. Paul 1866-1946; Nr. 6 (Mauser) Rebitzer Franz Landwirt 1901 - + und Marie geb. Stoderl 1906; Kinder: Anna 1934, Wilhelm 1936, Giptner Josef verm. und Anna geb. Rebitzer 1908- Kinder: Josef 1931, Anna 1940, Nr. 7 IPlottenhonners) Helgert Johann Landwirt 1885-1955; Kinder: Marie verh. Wiedl 1922, Franz 1931; Nr. 8 (Michlbauer) Paul Franz Land- und Gastwirt 1880 - +- Kinder: Katharina verh. Freisieben, Barbara verh. Brix, Franz 1913 geb. 1941 und Barbara geb. Wiedl, Marie 1915, Mathilde Friseuse 1920; Nr. 9 (Oawerl) Dietz Johann Landwirt 1889 - + und Theresia geb. Saffert 1897; Söhne: Franz 1922, Ludwig 1926, Dietz Marie 1859-1945; Nr. 10 (Tischler) Nowey Josef Schlosser 1899-1956 und Anna geb. Rebitzer 1904; Kinder: Waldemar Studiendirektor 1927, Else 1928, Werner-Franz Schlosser 1931, Berta 1939, Hanni-Lotte 1940, Anna 1942, Rebitzer Franz 1879-1954 und Marie geb. Dietz 1884 +, Josef Rebitzer 1871-1950; Nr. 11 (Schneiderseffl Reis Hedwig geb. Eckert; Kinder: Theresia verh. Spindler Elisabeth verh. Adler, Anna, Katharina, Marie verh. Moldan, Josef 1911 geb. 1942 und Barbara geb. Ascherl; Nr. i2 (Floachseppl) Zeug Josef 1891 und Mariegeb. Helgert 1890; Kinder: Franziska 1922, Josef 1924; Nr. 13 (Fritzen} Grau Karl 19041942 und Franziska geb. Kuttner 1911-1951- Sohn: Ludwig 1942, Grau Andreas 1874 +; Nr. 14 (Czadafranz) Czada Franz 1893 - + und Katharina geb. Liebl 1893 - +, Kinder: Josef 1914 und Julie geb. Karl 1912, Andreas 1918 geb. 1941, Franziska 1923 - +; Nr. 15 (Peterniglpepe) Liebl Josef 1895 - + und Katharina geb. Zupfer 1893 - +, Töchter: Anna 1922 - +, Franziska 1931; Nr. 16 (Voglhons) RebitzerJohann 1910 und Marie geb.Wurmstein 1911, Rebitzer Elisabeth geb. Zischka 18781958, Rebitzer Barbara 1868-1846; Nr. 17 (Mauerhansl) Rebitzer Karl 1907 und Theresia geb. Vogl 1915, Rebitzer Margaretha geb. Wild 1874-1954, Rebitzer Theresia verh Tauer 1908 und Tauer Karl, Rebitzer Franz 19051954, Rebitzer Sophie verh. Günter; Nr. 18 (Balaschneider) Wiedl Anna geb. Lang verw. Vogl 1885 +; Sohn: Franz 1921 - +, Franz Lorenz 1899 - + und Anna geb. Rebitzer 1899 - +; Töchter: Anna verh. Niedermeier 1922 und Josef Niedermeier, Marie verh. Musselrnann und Rudolf Musselmann, Bruno Niedermeier 1943; Nr. 19 (Gowara) Lindl Karl 1908 verm. 1942 und Anna geb. Kronhoffmann 1908; Kinder: Theresia 1937, Anna 1939. Hermann 1940, Kron. hoffrnann Georg 187Y - + und Anna geb. Hanakam 1875-1947; Nr. 20 (Korber) Korber Josef 1895 und Barbara geb. Rebitzer 1896; Kinder: Margaretha 1923, Wilhelmine 1925, Emilie 1931; Nr. 21 (Mauertone) Rebitzer Anton + und Katharina 1887-1945; Kinder: Betty verh. Breitenbach 1912 und Breitenbach Konrad, Otto 1918 und Sophie geb. Henning, Heinrich 1921 geb. 1944; Nr. 22 (Peter) Zeug Peter 1900 und Barbara geb. Spaderna 1904; Nr. 23(Beckenseff) Neff Stefanie geb. Paul 1899; Kinder: Frieda 1923, Fanny 1926, Paula 1931, Josef 1934; Nr. 24 (Zischenpepe) Krisch Josef 1899 und Mariegeb. Knödl 1903; Kinder: Gretl 1925, Rudolf 1930, Josef 1937, Marie 1937, Reinhard 1942, Krisch Georg 1868: + und Marianne geb. Rebitzer 1888-1947; Nr. 25 (Steiner-Mühle) Steiner Josef 1877 + und Anna geb. Friedrich 1885 - +; Kinder: Josef 1913 und Elisabeth geb. Jelinek, Franz 1918 und Ruth geb. Hampel, Marie +, Anna; Nr. 26 (Schmiedschwan) Grundler Josef 1892 - + und Franziska geb. Liebl 1890-1947; Kinder: Georg 1919 geb. 1941 Marie 1923, Josef 1925, Enkelin: Rosemarie Grundler 1945, Pflegesohn: Liebl Josef 1935; Nr. 27 (Schwarzgirgl) Tauer Michael 1907 und Resie geb. Saffert 1905, Tauer Georg 1872 - + und Katharina geb. Zupfer 1871 - +, Zupfer Betty geb. Tauer 1904, Erna Tauer 1927- Nr. 28 INigl) Geier Johann 1881-1958 und Anna geb. Eckert 1874-1956; Kinder: Georg, Johann, Andreas, Margaretha, Anna 1917, Barbara 1919 verh. Konhäuser- Nr. 29 (Gobernatz) Wiedl Franz 1913 und Katharina geb. Gobernatz 1918; Kinder: Franz 1941, Marie 1944, Gobernatz Franziska geb. Schmied 1892-1948, Wünschüttl Franziska geb: Gobernatz 1925, Wunschätti Erika 1945; Nr. 30 (Czadara) Czada Johann 1870-1953 und Katha rina geb. Zupfer 1872 - +; Kinder: Franz 1893 und Katharina geb. Liebl, Josef 1895 und Franziska geb. Strecker Andreas 1900 und Betty geb. Wiedl, Johann und Franziska geb. Lang, Georg 1906 und Katharina geb. Helget, Betty 1910 verh. Pechert und Josef Pechert geb. 1943; Nr. 31 (Moadlpepe) Wiedl Josef 1910 und Franziska geb. Liebl 1912; Kinder: Willi 1932, Josef 1947, Liebl Theresia 1898, Kohout Josef 1909 geb. 1943 und Resi geb. Rebitzer 1911, Nr. 32 Weber Georg Oberlehrer 1904 geb. 1943 und Steffi 1910; Söhne: Wolfgang 1930, Walter 1933; Nr. 33 (Thoma) Paul Franz 1907 und Anna geb. Fleischmann; Söhne: Franz 1939, Ewald 1940, Stelzer Franz 1884, Stelzer Betty geb. Paul 1896, Paul Walter 1920, Paul Josef 1923, Reiter Elfriede 1925, Traurig Marie geb. Paul 1901; Nr. 34 (Zupfer) Zupfer Josef 1912 und Marie geb. Moldan 1918; Sohn: Franz 1937; Bloch Willi 1915 und Anna 1914-1950; Sohn: Bloch Willi 1936 Nr. 35 (Hederer) Hederer Friedrich 1903 - + und Bettv geb. Rebitzer 1902-1959; Sohne Karl 1925, Frimrich 1927, Erwin 1928, Liebl Andreas 1898 - + und Theresia geb. Tauer 1900; Kinder: Josef 1920 geb. 1941, Georg 1923, Emma 1928, Erna 1938-1942; Nr. 36 (Maurer/Wirsen) Gobernatz Andreas 1903 geb. 1944 und Kunigunde geb. Rebitzer 1906 Tochter: Berta 1938, Rebitzer Josef 1879 - +, Rebitzer Johann 1919 geb. 1942, Gaag Josef 1909 geb. 1945 und Gaag Berta geb. Braun 1913; Kinder: Marie 1939 - +, Franz 1941; Nr. 37 (Tischlertoni) Rebitzer Anton 1885 1950 und Margaretha geb. Dietz 1897; Kinder: Stefani 1919, Franz 1922, Alfred 1924 geb. 1945 Josef 1928 - +, Anna 1933, Rebitzer Franz 1904 geb., Rebitzer Anna 1916, Rebitzer Angela 1943; Nr. 38 (Hütoal) Rebitzer Josef 1908 und Marie geb. Grau 1915, Kinder: Anna 1939, Josef 1942; Nr. 39 (Woastlresl) Gaag Theresia geb. Wiedl 1892; Kinder: Marie verh. Zeug 1919 und Zeug Wenzl, Franz 1922, Resie 1923, Georg 1925, Pauline 1928, Oswald 1934, Fleischmann Jakob 1897 - + und Marie geb. Kritsch 1900, Anna verh. Rebitzer 1921 und Rebitzer Johann geb. 1942, Rebitzer Inge 1941; Nr. 40 (Floachgirgl) Zeug Georg 1889 und Franziska geb. Kritsch 1897; Töchter: Margaretha verh. Spörl 1919 und Spörl Josef, Emma 1925; Enkel: Zeug Rudolf, Kritsch Georg 1902 und Margaretha geb. Rebitzer 1906; Töchter: Marie verh. Neudecker 1926 und Neudocker Josef, Mathilde 1928; Nr. 41 (Maurerhonst Rebitzer Johann 1899 und Marie geb. Suchy; Nr. 42 (Wiedlgirgl) Wiedl Georg 1897-1954 und Marie geb. Kritsch 1897; Söhne: Josef 1920, Karl 1921 verm. seit 12. 8. 1944, Wiedl Michael 1876 und Resie geb. Zupfer 1877-1952; Nr. 43 (Czadaraseppl) Czada Josef 1895 und Franziska geb. Strecker 1898; Töchter: 1922, Anna 1924, Margaretha 1926 Christo Czada Georg 1906 und Katharina geb. Helget 1906; Kinder: Marie verh. Roith 1926 und Roith Richard, Oskar i930, Adolf 1939; Nr. 44 (Binagirgl\ Gaag Georg 1887 - + und Margaretha geb. Kritsch 1890; Kinder: Anna verh. Ebenhoh 1914 und Ebenhoh Ernst, Franziska verh. Franz 1918 und Alfred Franz, Franz 1922, Erich 1927, Ernestine 1934, Zupfer Josef 1861-1953 und Anna geb. Fleischmann 1371-1950, Zupfer Elisabeth 1900; Nr. 45 (Bauer) Bauer Franz 1905 und Pauline geb. Wild 1905; Söhne: Josef 1927, Herbert 1929.

St. Georg Kapelle







Johan Rewitzer Family,Neubäu, Haus 6

George Rewizer Family, Sigel, Township, Brown Co. Minnesota
Village Crosses On The Source Of The Radbusa
"On our last hike to the Neubäuer Höhe, (Neubäu Hills) we both celebrated a deeply moved" Kreuzweqandacht “(Way of the Cross).She also gets me to the following report, which should stimulate to a church “Renovabis-Moment” (Moment of Renewal )in the new diocese of Pilsen:
On the "cemeteries of the Vatrehäuser (forefathers houses) and Müterkirchen (mother churches)” of the former border restricted area, new Crucifixes will be erected. Rusted or broken monuments are dug up, renewed and re-consecrated. God has also "risen" in the former "death zone" of the Radbusa spring area.
With my Bohemian Forest enthusiastic wife from Bavaria, I often keep silent retreat at the village crosses in Schwanenbrück or in Plöß. At the St.Anna pilgrimage to Bischofteinitz we rested at the Rindler Kreuz (cross at Rindl). On May 8, 1993, we participated in his dedication. The smashed inscription is renewed.
In my "sunken birthplace Neubau" the three village crosses, the St. George's Church and the bridge Saint Nepomuk are buried. Neubäu recently discovered their Field Cross at the location "Hammerbrunn". This "Urdorf Bavarian Settler" burnt down in the 17th century and was rebuilt as a "new building", which was henceforth called Neubäu.
On our last hike to Neubauer Hills also my wife found the "Hammerbrunner Neubäu Cross". Deeply moved, we "quietly celebrated" a "Way of the Cross". She also motivated me to the following thoughtful poem, which too. should contribute to a church "RENOVABIS MOVEMENT" in the new Diocese of Pilsen.
Dr.phil. Waldemar Novey
Former resident of the village Neubãu






