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Haselberg (Deutschhütte)

The little village Haselberg, originally called "Deutschhüttn" was located 2 km westsouthwest of the Hirschstein in the valley of the Schwarzach. It was about 3 km north of Grafenried to which it was attached. Haselberg was also a part of the Parish of Grafenried.

According to Liebscher the name of the village stems from the "Haselbrunnen" which was located in the village. This village also owes its foundation to a glassworks, which the entrepreneur Pelkhofer of Grafenried wanted to set up there, but wasn't possible because of the troubles of the Thirty Years War. In 1713 there were 17 houses. They were known as "Glashütten Chaluppen" then. They however were there already in 1684. The first glassworks stood on the place of the houses Nr. 16, 17, 18, the second at the house Nr. 1. The third glassworks was built in 1809. By Hofdekret on the 19th of October and by Gubernial permission and became an imperial-royal privileged glassworks. on 19th of November. The glassworks shut down about 1850, it was reopened by the leaseholder Naphtali Bloch about 1860. In 1879 the firm Bloch bought it. In the beginning glass beads and later table glass wasproduced. Since 1871 it was produced mirror glass. On the 1st May 1888 the glassworks moved to Waldsassen in Bavaria.

In 1839 Haselberg, which was attached to the estate Grafenried, had 24 houses with 232 residents to which also were counted the Einschichten "Ziegelhütten-Häuser", "Schmölzer Häuser", "Tögel- und Sandpucher" and a mill with a pit saw.

In 1913 the village had 31 houses with 230 residents. At that time 10 Einschichten stretched 2 km to the north, among them the big Lohstampfe "Rindenpucher"

In 1839 Haselberg had 31 houses and 139 residents. In 1938 it was attached just like Grafenried, Anger and Seeg to the rural district Waldmünchen in the Oberpfalz to which it formerly had belonged until 1764.

For more than 50 years Haselberg only had a winter school. Then in 1888 there was established a school with one class, which grew to two classes from 1893-1902. In 1902 it again had butone class. Since 1893 the children of Franzbrunnhütte and in 1894 the children of Kreuzhütte went to school in Haselberg.

The schoolhouse was rebuilt in 1898. While the Oberlehrer Micko was teacher there a volunteer fire brigade and a local branch of the Deutscher Böhmerwald Bund were founded in 1905.

In 1905 Haselberg also there was a short-cut road through the valley of the Schwarzach (Schwarzachtal) and the wood "Chodenschlosser Wald" to the "Teinitzer Eck".

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