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Chronicle of Gross Gorschin

(according to Johann Micko)

Grossgorschin, located barely 5 km southwest of Muttersdorf, wasmentioned for the first time in history in the year 1579. At that time it cited as a village called Görschin. The designations of Grossgorschin and Kleingorschin were the result of the partion of the Gut Muttersdorf into three sections during 1644. At that time there were six property-owners in Grossgorschin. Their names were Hans Stelzig, Girgl Wolf, Hans Sperl, Hans Stab, Hans Penket and Wastl Wiedl. According to the Prague Tax Rolls of 1654 the six residents of Grossgorschin had between them a total of 44 Strich of arable fields, 20 Oxen, 10 cows, 20 calves and 21 pigs.

During 1644 Grossgorschin was attached to the Gut Schwanenbrückl. In 1789 there were 12 house numbers in Grossgorschin. In 1839 here were likewise still 12 houses and 99 residents. In 1913 there were 13 house numbers and 103 residents and in 1921 there were 97 residents. In 1939 there were again 103 residents in Grossgorschin.

The combined communitiy of Grossgorschin, includingKleingorschin, Pfaffenberg and Purzbühl had 260 hectares in the year 1837


Since it was first established Grossgorschin belonged to the parish of Muttersdorf even though Waier would have been much closer.

In 1761 Kathatina Spörl died in Grossgorschin at the age of 103. In 1829 Johann Grundler died here at the age of 100.

The school for Grossgorschin was originally in Muttersdorf but after 1789 it was in Waier. During the first World War twelve men were enlisted as soldiers and five failed to return. Seven more men fell during the second war.

The local chapter of the Deutschen Bähmenwaldbundes was founded in 1908 with 30 members. In 1879 the later Deacon and Monsignore of Graslitz, Andreas Hauser was born here.

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